Communications Courses

Communication Methods

In this course, management and employees will explore the importance of clear, thorough, engaging, diplomatic, and constructive
communications; explore the factors which impact communications; learn a basic communication “model” that can be used for all
interactions; learn how to make feedback EASY; and discover tools that can be used to increase the effectiveness (increase
understanding and retention) when communicating. The model, values and tools can be used when delegating work,
communicating information; addressing conflict (issues, concerns, problems) between peers, management and staff, and employees
and clients; proposing change; and on and on. They will learn not only how to increase the impact of communications, but how to
make them more efficient and congenial.

Business Etiquette

Through a greater understanding of the scope and breadth and specific behaviors of good office/business etiquette, Social Worker
Supervisors will be able to:

  1. Develop business objectives related to office/business etiquette;
  2. Establish performance/behavioral standards and expectations related to office/business etiquette;
  3. Initially communicate about and “educate” management and staff on the objectives and standards and expectations;
  4. Continually model the behavioral standards and expectations related to office/business etiquette;
  5. Provide ongoing performance feedback to management and staff relative to actual behavioral performance with respect to the
    standards and expectations; and
  6. Consistently reinforce the behavioral standards and expectations.
    Learn how good office/business etiquette leads to:
  7. Improved business relationships amongst agency peers which results in improved services (quality and quantity);
  8. A feeling of respect toward clients which results in improved performance of processes between employees and clients;
  9. A professional atmosphere that is less subject to inappropriate behaviors which can damage business relationships and
    subsequently damage results…
Business Writing

General Business Writing Courses

  1. Grammar, Spelling, Vocabulary Levels, and Other Typical Writing Errors – The Basic Foundation of Credible Writing
    • Sentence Structure
    • Incomplete Sentences v. Run-On Sentences
    • Spelling: Typical Mistakes and Spelling Review
    • Most Misused Words
    • Prepositions – Where oh Where to Put Them
    • Most Common Punctuation Errors
    • Vocabulary Levels – You’re Intelligent v. You’re a Snob; I Understand v. What Did You Say
    • Workplace Diversity & Writing – Words can Mean Different Things to Different ‘Peoples’
    • Importance of Proofreading – What You Don’t See Can Hurt You
  2. Illustrating Data & Concepts: Flow Charts, Graphs, Matrices, Models, Pictures, PowerPoint Presentations, and other
    Visualizations – Illustrating for Impact: Understanding & Retention
    • Benefits of Visuals – Painting the Picture
    • Continuums – When Information Isn’t Black or White
    • Flow Charts & Timelines – Illustrating Processes and Chronological Order
    • Graphic Representations of Data – Putting Data Information In Perspective and Misrepresenting Information
    • Matrices – Organizing Categories of Information
    • Models & Photographs – A Picture Paints a Thousand Words
    • Similes & Metaphors – Only Words, But Graphic Nonetheless
    • Selecting Words with Impact
    • PowerPoint Presentations – Words & Graphics in Motion
    • Spread sheets – It’s not just words, numbers also tell a story
  3. Standard Communications: Letters, Memorandums, Faxes, and Emails – Internal and External
    • The Roles of the Different Categories of Written Communications: When to Write v. When to Speak; When to
      Hardcopy v. When to Email; When a Letter v. When a Memo; and On and On.
    • Quick Tips for Organizing Your Message
    • Basic Formats of Each Category
    • Communicating Tone
    • Overcoming Resistance to Your Message – Write as if you know the response of the reader
    • Pros & Cons of Emails (e.g., brevity v. professionalism)
    • Proof Reading for Understanding of Your Message: I Know What I Wanted to Say; Is That What They Read?
    • Minimizing Communication Inundation – Avoiding Overwhelming the Reader
  4. Proposal Writing: Influencing Change
    • Basic Format for Writing Proposals – Models of Proposals
    • Characteristics of Effective Proposals
    • Evaluating & Understanding the Current Situation: Strengths & Weaknesses, Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis, and
      Supporters & Resisters to Change
    • Identifying Objectives – Measurable Outcomes
    • Pros & Cons of Change
    • Researching Alternatives
    • Alert: Best Practices & Other Bandwagons
    • Costing Alternatives
    • Presenting Alternatives
    • Supporters & Resisters to Change; Finding & Using Allies
    • Delivery: Who, When, and How
    • Proposals In Response to RFP’s: Reviewing RFP’s to Identify the Characteristics of an Effective Response
Communication Processes & Tools for Results

Communications is a process, everyone knows that; sender to receiver…And it’s frequently thought of as a basic, almost elementary,
process. However, is your process efficient, achieving desired results in as little time as conceivable? Do your communications have
the impact you desire, or do you sometimes feel that you have been communicating over and over with little results? Would you like
to enhance the interactions you have with your employees, peers, and management?
Do your communications sometimes get the desire results and yet cause conflict, annoyance, or frustration with others? Does your
process include tools to facilitate the process and get the desired results?
In this course participants will be able to:

  1. List and explain the six steps of the Communication Road Map and how the use of this will improve the efficiency of
    communications and enhance employee relations;
  2. List and explain the Communication Values for positive employee interactions;
  3. Explain and demonstrate use of the Feedback Made EASY process and tools;
  4. Demonstrate use of the Discussion Planner in conjunction with the Communication Values to prepare for communications with
    employees, peers, and management;
  5. Explain and/or demonstrate how these communication tools may be used for the following
    a. Coaching Employees
    b. Making & Explaining Decisions
    c. Introducing Change
    d. Problem Solving
    e. Corrective Action
    f. Meeting Management
    g. Performance Feedback
    h. Other Situations
Customer Service

This course will explore Who are the customers in the Job & Family Services industry; What is ‘good’ customer service and What is
‘bad’ customer service, how do you know it when you see it and hear it; Why provide good customer service, ramifications and
benefits; What are the obstacles to good customer service; How to provide good customer service, goods and services and service
delivery; and When to give good customer service.

It will examine the most common and most difficult customer service scenarios and how to best deal with them. In addition, it will
explore tracking and forecasting customer service situation to better prepare staff and to minimize occurrences and reoccurrences.

Finally, participants will learn about customers’ needs, practices that help meet those needs, and categories of customers and ‘best’
ways of interacting with each.

Customer Service Course Outline
A. Who are the Customers?
B. What do the Customers mean to Me?
C. Good v. Bad Customer Service
D. Understanding Customers and Building Positive Customer Relations
E. Statistics About Customers
F. Feelings & Perceptions versus Reality
G. Attitudes
H. Customer Interactions
I. Your Roles and Responsibilities Regarding Good Customer Service
J. Listening toward Understanding
K. Dealing with Confrontation; Problem Resolution
L. The Language We Use; Do’s & Don’t of Word Selection
M. Service Habits to Meet the Needs

A. Workshop Style
B. Workbook provided
C. PowerPoint Presentation
D. Role Playing of Interaction Strategies
E. One Day Program

This course will seek to answer these questions:
▪ Who are the customers in the Job & Family Services industry?
▪ What is ‘good’ customer service?
▪ What is ‘bad’ customer service?
▪ How do you know it when you see it and hear it?
▪ Why provide good customer service, ramifications, and benefits, and for you v. for them?
▪ What are the obstacles to good customer service?
▪ How to provide good customer service, goods and services and service delivery?
▪ When to give good customer service?

Executive Leadership in Workplace Diversity Initiatives

Specifically designed for Executives and Senior Managers, participants will analyze their leadership roles in the organization and
responsibility for ensuring success with diversity. The course involves a fundamental look at the importance of workplace diversity,
the organization’s experience with and reputation for diversity, and relevant case studies and laws.

Workplace Diversity Initiatives: Objectives, Strategies and Tactics, & Measuring Effectiveness

This course is designed for HR Executives to evaluate the purposes and goals of Workplace Diversity Initiatives; explore the myriad of
potential workplace diversity initiatives that are practiced by other organizations and how they help achieve the mission and goals;
explore trends in diversity issues such as religion in the workplace, the aging of the workplace, and increasing immigrant
populations; evaluate total impact on the organization; design a holistic workplace diversity program; implement diversity initiatives;
and measure the results and effectiveness.
Participants will examine and discuss realistic situational dilemmas, debate the ethical and legal considerations, and simulate
practical solutions. Learn to assess all of your agencies diversity related activities, such as Employment; Purchasing; Customer
Service; Advertising, Marketing, Public Relations and Communications; and Community Involvement/Philanthropy; and their impacts
on HR and its Workplace Diversity goals.